Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Only 2 1/2 days until I am no longer a first year teacher!!!

In 2 1/2 days our school year will end.  In 3 days I will be flying over the ocean to come back to the place I call home.  It still doesn't feel real yet.  I can't picture being in America where everyone understands what I am saying, where I'm not illiterate and where the first 22 years of my life were spent.  I am so excited but honestly feel a little scared of reverse culture-shock.  I don't feel like I am the same person that I was when I left.  Sure I still have the same personality, look the same, etc, but I feel different.  I feel more knowledgable and confident in my teaching.  I feel closer to my Father who has shown Himself to me in ways that I have not experienced before.  I was stretched, put outside of my comfort zone and it was hard and uncomfortable and scary....but I am learning we are put into these situations because it is how we grow the most.  Every need and every worry that I have had this year has been taken care of and not by my own power or will.

 I have so many questions about going home.  Will I act the same as I did before?  Will people understand when I describe my life here?  Will it feel like home?  A wise expat here once told me that the longer he has lived here, the more he realizes his real home is not on this earth but in heaven.  You go home, but people's lives have continued and are different than when you left.  I know it's only been 1 year and so not a ton has changed at home, but I look into the possibility of living here longer and realize that things will change and people's lives will go on without me being there.  It's a hard realization but I know that there is a bigger purpose for me here, at least at this point in my life. 

Looking back at my first year of teaching I can say I feel good about it.  It was definitely tough (as everyone said it would be) but all in all it wasn't terrible.  I have AMAZING students!  They work so hard and performed wonderfully at our spring concert last week (so proud of them!!).  I will be saying goodbye to our seniors on Thursday and I am not ready to let them go!!  It's nice to know, though, that I never have to repeat the struggles that every first-year teacher has.  Next year will surely have its challenges but I have survived a year and have learned so much that will help me in the years to come. 

All in all I am extremely excited for this next week and all that is going to happen.  I cannot wait to land in America and give my family a big squeeze!  I know my 3 weeks at home will go by all too fast but I'm trying to focus on the time that I do get.  Hopefully I will get to see as many of you as possible while home...if not, I will be home all summer next year!!



Below:  Our PE teacher and I after the spring concert last week...the look of relief!