Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Worry Robs Us of Joy

Wow it's been awhile since I've updated...I'm sorry!  It's been a crazy couple of weeks with school starting.  I am in the middle of my second week of teaching and it is incredible how much better this week is going than the first!  There were a few things that happened last week that really caught me off guard and caused me to stress which wasn't the reaction I should've had (of course being human that's what I immediately go to in tough times).  I was fully prepared to teach a high school choral class with both guys and girls but it turned out that I had 4 boys and 0 girls (there were other classes being offered at the same time and most of the high schoolers want to take music in the Spring anyway because we have a big choral festival we go to in Tianjin in the Spring).  I had to completely rethink my whole direction for the class without a lot of time.  Looking back this is definitely not as stressful of a situation as it seemed a week ago.  I had been praying for direction for the course because we tried singing and they were not really into it with just the 4 of them but then I asked them what their thoughts were on starting a praise band and they were really excited to try and start one!  It's amazing how much these students are motivated to make such wonderful music to bring praises to our Father!  We've been working on starting some music this week and it's been going pretty well (now that we have a piano that will stay in tune...that is an entirely different story completely!). 

Needless to say, through this situation and a few other stresses that a first-year teacher would typically have, especially during the first week of school, I have learned a lot.  I'm learning more and more that worry and stress are evidence of a lack of trust in Him.  This prevents us from experiencing true joy in our lives.  I want to be joyful.  I want to not have a worry in my heart about school, about my situation or about anything because I know that my life is not my own and is in good hands.  I'm hoping that I can remember this when it comes closer to concert time and I'm running around like a crazy person! :) 

On a completely different note, I am going to Hong Kong this weekend/earlier next week to (FINALLY) get my work visa (hooray for legally being in a country)!  I have been on a tourist visa but it expires every month and I need a work visa to stay here and teach.  It should be a nice little trip and I'm hoping to find some chocolate chips and Velveeta to bring back to Wuxi!  (it's really hard to find chocoloate chips here and cheese is really expensive)

Anyways I hope to update this much sooner this time!  I hope everyone is well! 


1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome Rachel! I love to hear how you are turning it all over to Him. I'm sure you are doing a wonderful job. Keep up the good and godly work.
