Tuesday, June 12, 2012

T Minus One Month and One Day

Wow time is flying!

As of today my flight is officially booked.  On July 13th I will leave my family, my friends and my home for the biggest adventure of my life this far.  I will be teaching music at a K-12 international school in Wuxi, China.  I wanted to start a blog mainly for my friends and family to be able to stay connected with what is going on in this crazy and exciting journey.  I leave for 2 weeks of training soon and I'm starting to realize how little time is left at home.  It's bittersweet.  I'm so unbelievably excited for what is to come but I will also miss many people while I'm gone. 

There is a lot that has lead me to the point and deciding to go on this crazy adventure.  Early in this process I wasn't 100% sure that this was actually where I was meant to go.  Fortunately that soon changed and my heart has the assurance it needs to know without a doubt that this is where I'm supposed to go at this point in my life.  I have no idea if I will be there 2 years or 20 years but that's what is both exciting and frustrating about life...expect the unexpected and be open to giving up control for a plan in life that will be much better than anything you could ever think of on your own! 

One lesson that this adventure has already taught me (even though I haven't even left the country yet) is not to worry.  I was so worried that I would make a wrong decision about where to go and what to do.  When I stopped worrying and gave up control, that is when everything fell into place and I found a peace that I hadn't found in a long time.  I have struggled with worry about being prepared for classroom lessons, learning a new language, first year of teaching and what seems like a long list of other things but then I remind myself that since this is where I'm meant to go, I don't need to worry!

As this journey continues, I'm sure that there will be many more lessons learned and I plan on sharing them here.  There's so much in this life to experience and learn that I can't let the fear of the unknown keep me from embarking on what I believe will be an incredibly life-changing experience!

I hope to see each of you before I go and if I don't, please stay in touch (my Skype name is rachel_sneed1).


(Below is a picture of the beautiful Taihu Lake in Wuxi where I'll be living!)

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