Monday, July 2, 2012

Stressed is Desserts Spelled Backwards

I have been spending the past week and a half in Houghton, NY for my pre-field orientation before going to China.  While I wish I could be spending my last couple of weeks in America with family and friends, I am thankful for this experience because I really feel like it is equipping me for things that I will undoubtedly face when I move to China.  We have covered a variety of topics including moving to a new culture, "third-culture kids" and how to teach them, personality types/profiles (I learned that I am an ESFJ on the Myers-Briggs evaluation if you are familiar with that), professional issues, language acquisition skills and many, many more topics that I can't even think of because my brain is so full of information from all of the sessions I've attended here.

Besides attending different sessions I've also met some of the amazing people that I will be working with in China.  I don't think I could've asked for better people to work with and I'm very excited to have such a strong support system.  We also went to Niagra Falls which I had never seen before.  It was absolutely beautiful and far exceeded my expectations (I can also say I've officially been to Canada now, yay!).  I've also met other music teachers here and bounced ideas off of them which has been very helpful!

I have been experiencing a wide-range of emotions since being here.  I learn things and think about what is to come and I am beyond excited.  I'm excited for the adventure, meeting my students, being a part of something bigger than myself, learning about a new culture and experiencing all that this journey is going to bring.  On the other hand I am also feeling fear, stress and sadness as I realize my time with family and friends is coming to a close and a new, unfamiliar reality is about to take over my life.  There seems like so much to do between now and next Friday when I leave.  It's difficult but I'm trying to let the excitement overshadow my other emotions.  I also know with all of my heart that this is where I'm meant to go at this point in my life and that gives me peace.  It's this peace that I have to cling to when times get tough as they undoubtedly will.

(Below is a picture of my future China roommate and I!)


  1. Let me know when you get to China. I hope your flights were smooth and your stomach settled!!! We already miss you!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ditto what your mom said! We are looking forward to MANY posts on your blog.
