Saturday, November 17, 2012

Going to Thailand!

Wow time has flown..I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving!  I will be spending my Thanksgiving break in Chiang Mai, Thailand.  We have a teacher's conference there and so the school is paying for the trip which is awesome!  I'm really excited to visit another country even if most of the time I will be in workshops.  I plan to do a lot of exploring during free time though!

School has continued to go really well.  It's hard to believe that our Christmas concert is less than a month away!  This will be my first concert at this school and I really want it to be a success.  Once again I've become a worrying woman but I'm continuing to learn to trust.  I'm also learning that preschoolers are really cute no matter what they sing but they are extra cute when they sing "Happy Birthday Jesus" at the top of their lungs!  I tell them that I bet Jesus is smiling right now because they're singing to Him.  I'm starting to see things come together like the music and plans for the event.  I'm really proud of my students and all the hard work they've been doing.  I hope that they feel good about their performances when the concert is over.  Most importantly though, I want the message of the real meaning of Christmas to be conveyed through the students and their performances. 

Tomorrow night I will be performing with a few other teachers at a big event here in Wuxi.  The city hired a vocal coach to come and teach us a Chinese song and we will be singing it an outdoor pavilion downtown with Chinese-style shirts.  We had the dress rehearsal today and from what I can tell it's going to be a big event.  The scary part is that there are going to be a lot of cameras and I'm not so sure that I'll remember all my Chinese lyrics, but when in doubt I'll just sing "watermelon, watermelon" :) 

My roomate, Bethany, and I are looking forward to when we come back from Thailand because that means we can go buy a Christmas tree!  I want to make the experience of Christmas as close as to what it's like at home so that I don't get too sad about being away from family during the holidays.  We've made some really fun plans though and I'm looking forward to it! 

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and I hope that you have a wonderful break with family and friends!


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