Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012...

I cannot believe how fast this year has gone!  It seems like just yesterday I was beginning my student-teaching as a scared-to-death newbie a year and a half ago.  Though I have only been teaching on my own for a semester, I have gained so much confidence and I have survived my first big concert experience as a teacher (very stressful time but well worth it). I have one week until school starts again and I'm actually really excited to start some new units with the students, especially middle school (jazz, film music, STOMP unit!). 

This year has obviously brought upon many changes but it has all been for the best.  Yes I miss my family and friends and yes I miss certain luxeries the US offers (not to mention being able to communicate and being able to get Reese's!) but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!  I love my school, I love my students, I love my co-workers/friends and I love China!  I know it may sound like I'm being overly optimistic but I still haven't hit the part of culture shock where I hate where I am (everyone said I'd experience it).  The Father has blessed me immensly, and why?  The only reason I can think of is because He is good, all the time! 

My Christmas in Wuxi was actually pretty good.  Definitely not the same as "normal" but as close to what I'm used to as I can get here.  A lot of the teachers and some university students had a party on Christmas Eve and we had our own service, watched "The Nativity" and sang Christmas songs.  We also had AMAZING food!  A few of us stayed the night and woke up sharing stocking stuffers that we each bought.  That evening I was able to Skype with my family and that's when it truly felt like Christmas because I was actually able to see them.  Overall I had a great Christmas and hope you all did as well!

After Christmas I went to Shanghai for a few days.  I was in luck as we stayed in an amazing hostel!  It was right by East Nanjing (one of the biggest shopping streets in the world) and was really nice but had a great price.  We did a lot of shopping and got some great things like "Oakleys", a "Burberry" purse and "Beats by Dr. Dre" headphones (all knock-offs of course but still awesome!).  My biggest deal of the weekend was on a pair of nice real leather boots with fur lining.  The lady was asking 1280 RMB (about $165) which I would never pay for, BUT after some bargaining I got the boots for 300 RMB (about $45)....that's almost 1000 RMB in savings!!  Haha my bargain-hunting mother would be soooo proud! 

I am now back in Wuxi just enjoying some down-time and exploring the city until school starts (I might go to a hot springs in Suzhou though for a day-trip!).  I pray that you all have a wonderful and safe 2013 and I hope to see you before the next new-year!


*picture from our Christmas Eve party

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