Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Goodbye Summer 2013!

So it's been a few months since I've last posted and a lot has happened.  After a strong finish to the school year I went back to the states for 3 weeks.  It was great seeing everyone and I'm so thankful I was able to visit, even though it was only for a short time.  It was a little strange at times being back in the American culture and being able to understand the language.  Being home made me realize that my heart is torn towards two very different places.  While I'm in Wuxi I miss my family in America but when I'm in America I miss my Wuxi family.  I'm also reminded of how much I hate "goodbyes" or "see ya laters".  I'm so thankful that when are brothers and sisters in Him that there are truly never any "goodbyes"!

When I returned to Wuxi I began intensive language study which I enjoyed but I definitely felt overwhelmed at times.  It was definitely great to be able to study and not worry about the stresses of teaching though and I'm thankful to have such a wonderful teacher that works with me.  I hope to be fluent enough so when my mom and sister come in a few summers I will able to translate when we travel (I've got some studying to do between now and then.....).  Besides language study I was also a part of our school's English Camp which we put on for local English teachers.  I did a workshop on using songs for English-teaching.  I was a bit unsure of whether or not any of my information would be helpful since I don't actually teach English but I received many positive comments and I feel like I was at least somewhat helpful.  It was also nice meeting other teachers in the area and seeing just how different their schools and our school are.

This week we have begun our teacher meetings before school starts next Tuesday.  It's so amazing how much of a difference one year of experience makes!  I am so much more calm and confident about the beginning of the school year than I was a year ago.  I'm really looking forward to this year too because of the band program.  So far it has been very well received by students and we believe that parents will be very excited as well when they realize it is an option for their children.  Most of our students come from a culture that puts more of an emphasis on instrumental music than vocal music so I am anticipating a very high interest.  Another change this year is that my classroom has moved from the first floor to the fifth floor.  My new room is coming together quite nicely and I love my new office.  I have much more space now and I even have an instrument closet with nice shelving for the instruments.  One thing that I desperately need right now at school is a co-teacher.  We had a lead on someone but they ended up backing out which was a huge bummer.  If you could join me in lifting that situation up I would really appreciate it!  It will be much easier and effective to teach beginner instrumental music with someone helping out.

On a different note I have recently started the Insanity workout.  It has been really challenging but strangely addictive.  I don't plan to use it on a daily basis like most people do but to supplement on days that I don't workout elsewhere (some days are just too hot to workout anywhere other than my air-conditioned apartment).  I'm really trying to take better care of my health this year so I can reduce some of the stress I've been far exercising has really helped! I am also looking forward to running once the weather has cooled off and many of the teachers and I are hoping to run a race in Shanghai this December.  I really would love to try for the half-marathon because I've done 10ks in the past and really want to stretch to an even further distance.  We'll see how that goes with my school schedule but if I do it I will be sure to include it in a post! 

Anyways I know many of you are still enjoying your summers but for those of you starting school soon I hope you have a great new year!  I will try to do better with posting on this blog but I know I've said that before....



Here is a photo of Caleb, Hannah and I after I got off the plane in the states when I visited!

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